"Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas" is a wonderful animated feature by Dreamworks. This under-rated movie was very well done with eye-catching visuals and an intriguing story. The scenes of the battle against the sea monster, and the visit to Eris' realm in Tartarus are particularly artistic. Granted, the legend of Sinbad may have been taken far from its "Arabian Nights" roots to go more towards Greek mythology. But all the mythic elements make the story a thing of wonder. Personally, I think every mythology and folklore canon in the world has some connections with each other, so who's to say that Middle Eastern folklore doesn't share any similarities with Greek mythology? Anyway, "Sinbad" truly deserves to be seen and enjoyed!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I know and love all the movies with the famous "Sinbad" (from the Ray Harryhausen time). But I find the recent remakes (TV production) are always boring because off the lack of imagination from the directors.So I hesitated a long time before watching this one. (above all with a "DISNEY" movie ! I feared to fall asleep.)But I love this one ! The story is absolutely new, surprising and imaginative. The runtime's movie is short, so no time to bore. The charactere way of talking is really fun and modern, with hilarious quotes. My favourite one is when the Sinbad's ship arrives at the end of the sea, and someone says : "Well, at least, that proves earth is flat !" (LOL !)Not a masterpiece, but a really good entertainment !9/10
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Took the kids to see Sinbad. We all enjoyed it. I thought the animation was great. Just because it isn't Toy Story 3 doesn't mean it isn't good. In fact the shapeshifter was just amazing.There are a couple points in the movie where the dialogue seems to take longer than necessary, but overall it's action packed.My kids are 3 and 6. They loved Nemo, they loved this.